martes, 13 de noviembre de 2018

Halloween Activities

As usual, families decorated the hall for us to celebrate this festivity. It looked great as you can see:

1º and 2º de ESO students made terrifying pop up cards in Art lessons. Here you are some samples of the great work:

In the English lessons, 1º de ESO students had the chance to enjoy a fun class by Pete, our great assistant teacher this year; 2º de ESO students visited the English Cemetery in Málaga and 3º and 4º de ESO students went to the cinema and enjoyed the film "The House with a Clock in its Walls".

PTVAL and Aula Específica students wore their fancy dresses and their teachers did a great job making them up:

Again by this time of the year we made most of this festivity at school !!

Interviews at Muelle 1

After visiting the English Cemetery, our 2º de ESO students spent some time in Muelle 1, the best place in Málaga to interview English speakers. Many of them were willing to answer their questions, so our students had real fun and made most of their trip using English with a real communicative purpose.

miércoles, 7 de noviembre de 2018

The Germans' stay on a video

Here you are the great video by our 3º de ESO student Aroa Arrebola showing a wonderful week we will never forget.

Last October will always stay in our hearts and thoughts!!!

lunes, 5 de noviembre de 2018

German students' stay at our school

At last the 14 German students from Kulmbach Caspar Vischer Gymnasium in Germany visited us from the 20th to the 28th of October! They stayed with 3º de ESO host families, giving our students and their families the chance of speaking English, the common languague.

After the warm welcome at our school with a traditional breakfast, a flamenco show by some of our girls and a great flamenco workshop by Antonio Guerra, the German students and their two teachers, Yvonne and Gaby, ejoyed a full week activity programme. The plan started with a guided tour in English to the main monuments in Vélez by 4º de ESO students. Visits to Málaga, Torrox, Frigiliana and Granada were also inluded. The Germans also took part in PE and English lessons and learned about our educative system.

¡Por fin los 14 alumnos alemanes de la escuela de Educación Secundaria Caspar Vischer en Kulmbach, Alemania, nos visitaron desde el 20 hasta el 28 de Octubre! Se alojaron con familias de alumnos de 3º de ESO. Esto dio la oportunidad tanto a los alumnos como a sus familias de practicar inglés, la única lengua en común.

Tras la cálida bienvenida en nuestro instituto con desayuno típico, una exhibición de baile regional a cargo de seis alumnas y un estupendo taller de flamenco impartido por Antonio Guerra, el alumnado alemán y sus dos profesoras, Yvonne y Gaby, disfrutaron de un extenso programa de actividades a lo largo de la semana. Éste empezó con la visita guiada en inglés a nuestro entorno monumental por los alumnos de 4º de ESO. También se incluyeron visitas a Málaga, Torrox, Frigiliana y Granada. Los alemanes asistieron a clases de Educación Física e Inglés, aprendiendo así sobre nuestro sistema educativo. 

miércoles, 31 de octubre de 2018

Stay in Bray, Ireland

Twenty four of our 3º de ESO students, together with their teachers Miguel Ángel Jurado and María Eugenia Godoy, have taken part in a stay in Ireland from 7th to 14th October.

They stayed with host families having the chance to speak English in a real context and learn about Irish culture at the same time. In the mornings students attended a language course in ATC Language School in Bray. Besides they also enjoyed fun activities such as Karaoke Night, Cinema Night, Irish Pub, Irish Dance, Bowling... They also had several guided tours: Dublin, Howth, Kilkenny and coastal walk to Greystones.

It has been a great experience for both students and teachers!!

Desde el 7 al 14 de Octubre, 24 alumnos y alumnas de 3º de ESO, acompañados de sus profesores Miguel Ángel Jurado Tornero y María Eugenia Godoy Talamonte, han participado en una estancia de inmersión lingüística en Irlanda en régimen de alojamiento en familias, fomentándose así no sólo el uso de la lengua inglesa en un contexto comunicativo real, sino también el intercambio cultural.
A la asistencia a un curso de lengua inglesa en ATC Language School en la localidad de Bray en horario de mañana, hay que sumarle diversas visitas guiadas en lengua inglesa a la capital del país, Dublín, a Greystones, a Howth y al castillo de Kilkenny.

El programa también se complementó con actividades tales como Baile Tradicional Irlandés, Bolera, Karaoke, Cine, Pub Irlandés... que perseguían el uso de la lengua inglesa de forma lúdica.

¡¡Ha sido una experiencia estupenda tanto para los alumnos como para los profesores acompañantes!!

lunes, 8 de octubre de 2018

Our new Assistant Teacher

New academic course, new resolutions, new expectations, new friends, new teachers and, last but not least, new Assistant Teacher. Let me introduce Peter Brewis from England!!!

Hi everyone! 

I’m Pete, your new English Assistant Teacher. I’ll be here until the end of May, bringing my English expertise to the bilingual classes at Salvador Rueda!

A little bit about me... I was born in Carlisle (in the north of England, near to the border with Scotland), but I now live in Manchester. I moved to Manchester 17 years ago, to start work as a journalist. I began working on a nightclub technology magazine, and later wrote and edited a range of a magazine about architectural design.

I now work as a freelance writer and editor, mostly focused on the technology and design of live music concerts. I love the Spanish language and Spanish culture, so I’m looking forward to learning about both during my eight months in Andalusia. 

And, of course, I’m looking forward to meeting all the students at Salvador Rueda! So, if you see me in the corridors, come and say hello!

¡Hola a todos!

Me llamo Pete. Soy vuestro nuevo Auxiliar de Conversación. Estaré aquí hasta finales de mayo, trayendo mi pericia a las clases bilingües del Salvador Rueda.

Un poco sobre mi... Nací en Carlisle (una ciudad pequeña en el norte de Inglaterra, cerca de la frontera con Escocia), pero hoy en día vivo en Manchester. Me mudé hace 17 años para empezar atrabajar como periodista en una revista de tecnología de discotecas. Luego, escribía y redactaba para una revista de arquitectura y diseño.

Ahora, trabajo como periodista autónomo, especializado en el tema de la tecnología y diseño de conciertos de pop. Me encantan la lengua y la cultura españolas, así que estoy desando aprender mucho sobre las mismas durante los meses que pasaré aquí en Andalucía.

Y, por supuesto, ¡tengo muchas ganas de conocer a los estudiantes del Salvador Rueda!

¡Si me veis por los pasillos, saludadme!


miércoles, 26 de septiembre de 2018

Amancio Ortega Scholarships

Are you a 4º de ESO student? Would you like to study 1º de Bachillerato in Canada or in the USA? If so, apply for a Fundación Amancio Ortega Grant. The call is open until Tuesday, 30th October 13 p.m. For more details click here.

¿Estudias 4º de ESO? ¿Te gustaría estudiar 1º de Bachillerato en Canadá o en Estados Unidos? Si es así, solicita una Beca Fundación Amancio Ortega. La convocatoria está abierta hasta el Martes 30 de Octubre a las 13 horas. Para más información pincha aquí.

lunes, 24 de septiembre de 2018

Kulmbach, welcome!!

Our school wants to welcome the German students and teachers coming next October, so we have recorded a video for them:

viernes, 21 de septiembre de 2018

Trinity Exams

From now on this is school is a Trinity Examination Venue, so don't make any more excuses and go for the B1 or B2!!!!

jueves, 20 de septiembre de 2018

We start afresh!

Welcome!! We start once again!! Let our projects and expectations be fulfilled throughout the year! Inmersion in Ireland, exchange with the German school and much much more this 2018-19!!

domingo, 1 de julio de 2018

Romeo & Juliet's Videodrama

Last but not least, our Videodrama involving fifteen teachers and three 4º de ESO groups. A whole year project with a stunning result: a 40 minutes film in English with subtitles showing the story of Romeo and Juliet from three different points of view. Get your popcorn and enjoy watching it!!!

domingo, 3 de junio de 2018

viernes, 1 de junio de 2018

Ancient Egypt and the Middle Ages

This year 1º de ESO students learned about Ancient Egypt while 2º de ESO students got an insight into the Middle Ages. Subjects such as English, French, Natural Science, Spanish, Humanities, PE and Art have contributed with interesting Didactic Units.

In Science lessons students found out about papyrus and the mummification process:

In Spanish lessons students also worked on this topic and saw the film The Mummy, set in Ancient Egypt:


In Physical Education students played hockey as it originated in Ancient Egypt: 

In art lesson students designed colourful Egyptian panels and stained glass windows:

In English lessons students found out about their surnames coat of arms:

In Geography students recorded and role played the Middle Ages in Spain ( Muslims, Christians, fights, swords... ).

Happy students enjoying prize

Some of the Photo and Audiocuentos Contest winners making most of their English conversation classes today at Aenfis School of Languages in our town.

jueves, 31 de mayo de 2018

Coming soon: "The Romeo and Juliet's Videodrama"

We will be able to watch "The Romeo and Juliet's Videodrama" really soon. Our 4º de ESO students together with teachers from different areas ( English, Spanish, Technology, Humanities, Information and Communication Technology, Physical Education, Music... ) have worked hard to film Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet story. The video has been recorded and subtitled in English. This has been an ambitious and demanding project in which students not only act, but also play music and dance. The Junta de Andalucía Educational Authorities have sponsored us to make it come true. Some students' families and the Conservatorio Elemental de Música José Hidalgo in Torre del Mar have also helped out.